Have a Merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year

This has been a mad and crazy year.  Sitting here one year ago, would you have believed me if I had told you that the world would be basically shut down by a Virus and then be told that 6 months later that the average house price will go through the roof? !!!!

If you did, you would have bought on the Sunshine Coast and made a bucket load of money. You would have also done this while enjoying a fantastic lifestyle basically unaffected by the entire catastrophe. We have been so lucky up here and for that I am thankful.

2020 has definitely been a roller coaster journey. Great for some but unfortunately poor for others. Lets hope that 2021 is a lot more stable and that we can all get on with everyday life with more confidence and more certainty.

Wishing you and your Families a magical Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year

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Jamie Hill

Jamie Hill is a trusted real estate agent in Buderim, offering honest property appraisals and personalised services with over 26 years of sales experience, guiding clients from appraisal to settlement seamlessly.

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