3 Ways To Spruce Up Your Home Prior To Sale

When it comes to selling a home, many owners ask us what to do to help maximise the value. They are looking for a few quick maintenance tips that might be low cost, that can have a positive affect on the sale price.

Often the best things to do are cosmetic and don’t have to cost a lot of money. This may depend on the type of home you are selling, as buyers in different markets will be looking for different things. Here are three things you can do to make your home more appealing at the sale though, no matter what sort of home it is.

1. Tidy up the front and back yards

Street appeal is a well-known term in the Real Estate industry. The impression a potential buyer gets when they first pull up at a home is vital. It can either get them excited or make them wonder why they came to look at your home.

Some of the basic yard care tasks to carry out, and then keep on top of can include painting the front fence, keeping the lawn mowed and edges tidy, trimming hedges, pruning trees, removing rubbish or debris and taking out dead plants.

If a garden seems organised and low maintenance, chances are it will be more attractive to many buyers.

The backyard is just as important as the front. Your potential buyers will imagine themselves living in your backyard. So if you can make that more appealing, they will be more likely to be excited about moving there.

2. Clean the windows

This might seem like a bit of a tedious task, but having clean windows can make a room look so much brighter. Spider webs in security screens and dog nose marks on glass doors don’t promote a fresh new start. 

Clean windows sparkle and potential buyers will find your home much more light-filled, warm and positive if the windows are clean.

3. Declutter

Most buyers are looking for a home that will afford them more space. Even a hoarder likes to have an empty space to start their collection. Just kidding. 

A home that has been decluttered has the appearance of being much more open, airy and the rooms seem larger. This is always a benefit. Buyers want to be able to again imagine themselves moving in there and enjoying life. Having less clutter, such as vases, trophies, lots of photos and other household items gives them more opportunity to imagine their own personal items in the home.

This also extends to the outside areas of your home. If possible, remove the second bbq from the balcony. Take away unnecessary chairs and other furniture and hideaway bulky items from your backyard, like those old plastic children’s toys.

There are other things you can do to gain more interest from potential buyers. You are not so much adding value but removing the chance of negative impressions.

If you are thinking of selling and would like to speak with a real estate agent in Buderim or the surrounding suburbs, then contact me today.

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Jamie Hill

Jamie Hill is a trusted real estate agent in Buderim, offering honest property appraisals and personalised services with over 26 years of sales experience, guiding clients from appraisal to settlement seamlessly.

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